This could be a photo of any of these states! Never saw so much corn!!!
But wait....there's more...
America must be full of corn. Literally.
We did see other interesting, uplifting and edifying along the way.
Paul's boyhood home in Vandalia, Ohio
Picnic with family
more family fun
And more FAMILY! Hooray!!!
We had a great time in Dayton and made some very good memories. Thanks to all our Lafferty family we love you all.
We stopped for three days in Indianapolis area.
Stopped to see yet another covered bridge.
We were number one on the list for this housing.....
Now, they are privately owned, still beautiful though. Fort Benjamin Harrison is no longer. We visited it as an Indiana state park. Very nice.
Next we headed west to Springfield, Illinois to rub shoulders with the Lincoln family!
YOU MUST VISIT THE LINCOLN MUSEUM....have seen none to compare. What a wonderful time we had. 5 Stars
Paul got to hob nob with generals McClellan (L) and Grant but they offered him no refreshment....
Another must see is the Lincoln tomb

"Now he belongs to the ages"
We are in Iowa. Amana colonies and German cooking....out of this world. Paul sure did enjoy his wurst!
Tally ho,
We are heading to Omaha from here so will have to visit LeMars next time, thanks for the info. What's a Cozy Dog? :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks! Will be on the look out next time😊