We are SET for luck on this journey thanks to my friends in the Victorian Tea Society. They presented us with our very own set of purple fuzzy dice to hang from our rear view mirror!
And here is the "Prince"our first national forest stay. We bought our senior passes and paid the $10 per night camping fee and found a lovely spot to camp...that is the good news....the bad news is no water, no electric, no sewer, no internet....no cell phone signal. Wow, we were roughing it,but it was very pretty and cheap, so how could we complain? We learned what to use and not use if we want our battery to last more than a day, that was fun. We were also close to several places we wanted to visit, so off we went to The Museum of the Marine Corps. What an impressive place. You could see the building from the highway and wondered what on earth it was. The architect's vision was a reproduction of the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima and the building was truly a vision. And inside was equally awesome. We spent several hours touring and enjoyed every minute. Then, we ate at their very good pub! The museum was free, the pub was not. Give this place 5 stars

Paul is standing outside of the museum and you can get the idea of the shape of the building.
Next we went to my kind of place....a fabulous grocery store called WEGMANS. 25 + years ago we lived in upstate NY, Liverpool outside of Syracuse, and one of the best things about the area besides some very good friends, was Wegmans. Undeniably the best grocery store I have ever shopped at. So, when I get a chance to walk the aisles, well, I take it. Some of you may not understand my affection for grocery shopping, but, well, it is genetic...all us Wrights love our food and food prep and food shopping and just talking about food ....say "amen" all my cousins! The sad part is that I bought very little as I have very little space in our new home! oh, well....
The last place we visited was another of my choices....IKEA. We kept our shopping to a minimum here as well, it was a rainy day, as you can see, and chilly too. We were on our way north to Andrews AFB....the drive was hairy because of heavy traffic and wet roads, but we made it thanks to the Garmon (and the lucky dice)
Tally Ho,
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